July 26, 2009

Visiting the TSA Puppy Center and Home Again!

This week flew by!  We all missed Paz and remarked how quiet it was around here without her!  It was pretty boring too...  so boring in fact, that we decided to take a short family vacation.  

While Paz was hanging out with the other puppies in training at Lackland, we hit New Braunfels, San Antonio and Gruene!  It was a great way to beat the 100+ temperatures here and we all had a great time.  Highlights included floating the Torrent at Schlitterbahn, eating at Jacala's in San Antonio, feeding stingrays and getting kissed by a Beluga whale at Sea World, exploring the River Walk and eating at the Grist Mill in Gruene.  

Absolutely the best part was visiting the TSA Puppy Center at Lackland Air Force Base. Diana and others took time from their busy day to show us around the facility.  We got to visit with Paz (who was really happy to see Kate) and spend some time playing with her.  She was having a blast with the other dogs and the TSA staff; after being there I can see why Paz was so excited to see the TSA people when we dropped her off!

While we were there, several children were playing with the puppies.  Diana explained that these kids volunteer their time during the week to hang out with the dogs. Everybody looked like they were having a great time!  Some of the dogs were getting a chance to swim in a small pool, while others were in a large fenced area climbing on wooden stairs and running around. Obviously, Paz and the others don't have any reason to be bored or homesick!

We also had fun cuddling with some of the newest TSA puppies that are starting the weaning process.  Sooo cute and hard to put down! They're just rolly polly fuzz balls waddling around and exploring their new surroundings. No wonder the kids like to volunteer at the puppy center!  Phil, Kate and I thoroughly enjoyed our visit- Thanks Diana!

And then it was back home and quickly time to actually pick up Paz!  She seemed excited to see us and zoomed all around the house when we got her home!  Kate wasn't home when Paz returned, and I think Paz was a little disappointed...  It took her all of 2 minutes to find a new squeaky duck toy that Kate had bought for her; in another 2 minutes, both Paz and the stuffed duck were sopping wet in her wading pool.  Jed and Ding took her return in stride, and Ding actually chased Paz around the yard a little bit.  In short order, things returned to normal.  

Now that Paz is home, we realized just how much we missed her!  She adds so much to our lives, and socializing her keeps us all involved and active in our community. Our family continues to enjoy the entire foster family experience!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gougler Family! My name is Addie and I found your blog through the July Pawprints. I am raising my second dog Llarson, who is a seven month old (almost eight month old) Vizslador. I have a blog too! The link is http://raisingtsapuppy.blogspot.com/

    I look forward to reading more about Ppaz's upcoming adventures.
